Sunday, August 26, 2012

As Always - Pre-Season Means Nothing

We all know how it went down last season. The Rams came away from the pre-season with a 4-0 record and we all know how that turned out for the team during the regular season. A whopping 2 wins on the year. With that being said, I think it is safe to say that we don't need to panic here because we have lost two pre-season games. However, Bradford is going to have to stop holding onto the ball as long as he was doing against the cowboys. The O-Line was doing it's job and two of those sacks should all fall on the shoulders of Sam himself! You can't expect the line to hold them off for an entire eternity and that is what Sam was doing. Geez! You have to dump it off somewhere, even if it means throwing the damn thing away.

You can read more of my thoughts on the game by visiting our website and reading my article for this week.

Not Exactly What We Want to See

Fantasy Football Closed!

Well, if you didn't get signed up this year, unfortunately you missed out on the fun. Both leagues are now closed and getting ready for the new season. We'll be recruiting next year so hope you come join us then!

There is Still Time!

Just a couple of more weeks left, but there is still time if you want to have your own space here on our newsletter to write about your Rams on a weekly basis when the season starts. Just send the following information to

  1. Your real name.
  2. Email address.
  3. Your pen name (what you want to call yourself)
  4. What you want to write for, the newsletter, the website or both.
That's all there is to it. So join us now if you are interested, we'd love to have you!

Go Rams!

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