Sunday, August 15, 2010

Offensive Line Up to Their Old Tricks

After the coaches look at the films, it is going to become quite clear to them that they do not have the protection they need for their $78 million investment. There is going to have to be some immediate improvement, especially with Jason Smith. They cannot afford to allow this line to continue to play sub par. It is not something that can gradually be improved upon, it something that needs to be improved upon now and not in the future. Sam may have more poise on the field than the average guy but how long will that last if he is left out in the cold by his offensive line?

Bradford is the real deal now let's get the offensive line to protect this pot of gold!

Let's check out what LSURAMS has to say about our pre-season opener.

Preseason Under Way -yuck!

Fantasy Football Still Open!
If you love playing fantasy football, one of our leagues still has six openings and you are more than welcome to come and sign up with us.

Hope to see you there!

Check out our first slide show of 2010.

Rams vs Vikings

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