Friday, August 27, 2010

Bradford Appears to be Ready

Bradford went out onto the field sooner than he anticipated after the Patriots started the game off with a 97 yard return for a touchdown. That was the moment most Rams fans probably  thought the game was over. But Sam Bradford, would have none of that attitude, in fact he embraced the fact that it happened because it meant he got to go out onto the field sooner. And he likes that. Sam is definitely not a bench warmer and showed in his first start that he could take command of the game and not let anything fluster him.

It was great to hear announcers who were "paid talking heads" for the Pats totally amazed with the play of Bradford. Even at one point one announcer admitting that he was far better than he thought the kid was. Bradford impressed, even the players on the Pats who probably at first thought they were going to have their way with the rookie. But Sam had other plans.

Make sure to check out this week's website article by BeaverRam as well.


Just One More Pre-Season Game......

And the Golden Heart Award and Grading Out will return. Remember, you can get involved during the regular season by going to the website and submitting your grades for the team as well as choosing your player for the Golden Heart Award!


Sunday, August 15, 2010

Offensive Line Up to Their Old Tricks

After the coaches look at the films, it is going to become quite clear to them that they do not have the protection they need for their $78 million investment. There is going to have to be some immediate improvement, especially with Jason Smith. They cannot afford to allow this line to continue to play sub par. It is not something that can gradually be improved upon, it something that needs to be improved upon now and not in the future. Sam may have more poise on the field than the average guy but how long will that last if he is left out in the cold by his offensive line?

Bradford is the real deal now let's get the offensive line to protect this pot of gold!

Let's check out what LSURAMS has to say about our pre-season opener.

Preseason Under Way -yuck!

Fantasy Football Still Open!
If you love playing fantasy football, one of our leagues still has six openings and you are more than welcome to come and sign up with us.

Hope to see you there!

Check out our first slide show of 2010.

Rams vs Vikings

Sunday, August 1, 2010

The Day Has Come

On time and ready for work. Demoff was able to get past the typical Tom Condon games and get the face of the franchise in camp where he was suppose to be! It is a good thing not just for the team but for Sam as well. He's got a lot of work a head of him and there is no time like to present to get working on it! You can read more about Sam by Clicking Here

Planet Rams website has gone through some changes recently. We figured if the Rams can get a new mascot and a $78 million dollar QB we could spruce up the place a bit. We hope you'll go over and check it out!

Click Here to check out the new design.

Other than that, not much going on until the pre-season gets into full swing, then we'll bring back the Grading Out and Golden Heart features and more!

GO RAMS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!