Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Poetic Justice

Not a fan of the Giants but just one brief moment in time I became one. That moment came, the last few minutes of this past Sunday's Super Bowl!

Nothing like seeing someone hand deliver karma, poetic justice, whatever you want to call it, and shoving it down the Pats throats. It doesn't change the past but it sure makes it easier to take now that the "Almighty Patriots" are now just yesterdays news.

Or are they? Congress may be scrounging around in their past soon. Which might mean a little bit more disgrace brought upon them than what their classless coach already has brought.

This week's web article has been written by Eliasdad/LSURAM's we hope you'll enjoy his insight for this week.


Grading Out and the Golden Heart are now on hiatus until the pre-season games start up again.

But we do have some great news to report. The WatchDog will be joining us by writing for the newsletter beginning next issue, so look for that next time!

See ya next time!

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