Tuesday, December 11, 2007

Voodoo Anyone?

Well, what else could it be? Have you ever seen a season such as this? Like the memorable words of Mammie (from Gone With the Wind) "It ain't right, it just ain't right." And with that said, take a gander at what the old WatchDog has to say this week. Nope "It ain't right, it just ain't right.".......

Will the Remaining Rams Resort to Garlic Necklaces?

As always, the team has been graded so go check out what Planet Rams dished out as compared to what the Pros dished out.

Grading Out

And yes, we did find someone to hand our our illustrious Golden Heart Award to this week.

Golden Heart

Several things will be coming up in just a few weeks that we hope you will get involved with.
  1. Planet Rams MVP Awards....OK, so the season sucked, but there's got to be someone that did something better than others did on the team, so let's give due credit to those who did play well. We will have a list of players for each category, that we would like for you to vote on in just a few weeks, so please look for that notice and where to find the polls once they are activated.
  2. Golden Heart Player of the Year.....Right now despite the record a few names should come to everyone's minds, so when we've got the candidates posted, please vote for your GHP of the Year.
  3. Planet Rams Writers.....Once the season is over and we go back to writing every other week, we will open it up to anyone who would like to join our staff and try their hand at writing for Planet Rams. We like to recruit newbies during the off season when it's less hectic. If you have a desire to write, why not give it a shot and write about your favorite football team? All that's required is a sample of your writing which will be reviewed and we'll let you know within a few days one way or another. So think about it and when the writing staff opens up, we will put a notice on the website and in the newsletter.
It's a thankless job, but it gives you the opportunity to vent without anyone bantering back at you disagreeing with your personal opinions, say like on a blog or forum! So if you're looking for a soap box....you'll find it at Planet Rams!

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