Monday, September 17, 2007

The Rats Are Jumping Ship

Man can those rats jump high and quick. By week four the Rams won't have a single fan left on board, at least not in St. Louis! Unbelievable how little loyalty there is these days from some fans. I think Rams fans need to take a "chill pill" or something.

Which leads us right into this weeks website article by GeezerRam....

Let's Chill Out

Don't forget that we have podcasts of the games now so if you don't get to see the games we've got you covered there.

Planet Rams Podcasting

We've also graded the team and we encourage all of you to contribute your thoughts and grades as well before the weeks up and we'll post them on the website!

Grading Out

We've also handed out this weeks Golden Heart a newcomer to boot. So go check out who won the award this week. And while you're there, why not submit your nomination for the Golden Heart.

Golden Heart Award


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