Wednesday, March 21, 2012

A Lot Has Happened Since Our Last Newsletter

It is truly amazing to see just how much has transpired since the last time we published our newsletter. We sure can't gripe about the Rams being quiet during the beginning of the official off season and free agency period! This in fact has been the busiest I've seen this team in years! Instead of looking like a bunch of pussy cats laying in a corner wagging their tails like fat lazy critters, they have looked more like fierce lions roaming the plains of the Serengeti.

They were able to make headline news when everyone and their brother were after our number 2 pick and then finally deciding to openly trade it away to the skins for their #1 pick, a #1 in both 2013 and 2014 along with two more picks in this years draft. Pretty much propelling RGIII into the #2 spot in the draft. Hope you thank the Rams for that RGIII! You wouldn't be taken at #2 had it not been for the Rams.

Then there is the loss of Ron Bartell and Brandon Lloyd. Both of which have me a little saddened by. It's too bad they couldn't have kept Bartell alongside Finnegan. It's also a shame they couldn't have given Lloyd a shot to play with whatever rookie they might pick for receiver, after all, we know they must go for that, what else do we have for a main receiver? We can't seem to get any via free agency! 

And then there's the Greg Williams disaster! That I'll rant about in my Patti's Ramblings! 

Go check and see what BeaverRam has to say about all the action that's been going on with the Rams over on our website this time around.

Commish Had No Choice

Don't Forget!

We are still open for new volunteer writers to join our team. You want your own soap box to stand on and talk about your team? Well, here's your chance! Come on! If you love to write, love to talk about the Rams then you are perfect for the job!

Send us your name, a sample of your writing, what you would like to write for, the website only, the newsletter only or both. You can send the information to!