Saturday, April 14, 2007

Draft Fastly Approaching....Wed. 4/18/07

Off Season is Still Here

During this quiet time of the year, why not think about coming over to the forum and chatting with us. We'd love to hear your thoughts on the upcoming season.

This weeks article is ready for your reading enjoyment brought to you by Eliasdad/LSURAM. Please make sure and go over and read it.

T-Minus a Week And Some Change

We have have the pleasure of welcoming a new writer to Planet Rams. He calls himself The West KY Ram so make sure to check out his first article for the newsletter. He'll also be joining us in writing for our website and for The West Coast Dog House. Also returning in May will be our old buddy Beaver Ram/Ken Little who will be writing for the newsletter, website and The West Coast Dog House!

We hope you will enjoy the new additions to our writing staff.

Also hope you like the new look and set up of the newsletter. If you have any suggestions please feel free to email us any time.


Don't forget to come and check out The West Coast Dog House, led by our own rabid dog himself...The WatchDog.

Click Here to come on over and join in some one on one contact with the Dog himself, Beaver Ram, our newest writer The West VA Ram and of course, yours truly.


Writers Still Wanted!

Come join a young site that is growing quickly. We are looking for volunteer contributors for the weekly PR newsletter, and website original articles. Representatives of any NFC team are also welcome to join the West Coast Dog House blog-roll and speak their own version of the truth any way they see fit.

Just CLICK HERE to join our staff!

Golden Heart Player

The Golden Heart Award will go into hibernation now until the season begins.

Grading Out

The final grades for 2006 have been given out.

Grading Out

Photo Gallery

There won't be anymore photos posted until the 2007 preseason begins. But enjoy the ones we have for 2006 and from past seasons.

2006 Photo Slideshows

Planet Rams Merchandise

Let's don't forget to stop and check out Planet Rams own little online shop. With original merchandise created by Lovemyrams. If you have don't so yet, what's stopping you?

Planet Rams Merchandise

Haven't Joined Our Forum Yet?

And why not? the season is in full swing now so get involved!

It doesn't take but a second or two to register and you can jump right in and become an active member. Let's get involved and show some Blue and Gold pride here!!!!

Click Here to come join us!