Monday, July 23, 2007

Just 4 Days To Training Camp

And still not much news to report. But we do have a little bit of news from Planet Rams. That news is that we've got a new writer who just recently joined our illustrious staff and he will be writing for us once a month for the website. In fact, he was gracious enough to write his very first article this week.

Our newest writer goes by the pen name of "GeezerRam" and you can check out his first article by going over and reading it on the website right now.

Training Camp & Pre-season

Fantasy Football?

Well, we've still got 2 spots open in one of our three leagues. The others are full. So if you're still looking for a place to play, feel free to click on the link below and come join us! We'd love to have you.


Want to Write?

Now just because we got ourselves a new writer, that does not mean we're still willing to have a few more join us. We'd really like to get a couple more for the newsletter. Right now, I think we have enough for the website. But hey, if you'd like to have your own weekly Rams column....the newsletter would be the thing for you.

So send us an email and a sample of your writing and we'll get back with you as soon as we can.

Come on! Take the plunge!

GO RAMS!!!!!


Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Time Is Dragging

Still not much happening at Rams Park which of course means there's not much happening at Planet Rams either. As all of our writers struggle with writers block. West KY Rams was able to squeeze out an article for our website so go check out his efforts....

Rams Satisfied At This Point?

Fantasy Football?

We've still got a few opening in our two Yahoo leagues and our drafts aren't until next month so you still have plenty of time to sign up.


Has one opening left to make it an even 12 team league.


Has three openings left to make it an even 12 team league.

So if you're wanting to join a league with mainly Rams fans then you might want to consider joining one of ours!

We've also got our own interactive community site outside of the Yahoo site so you might want to go check that out as well to see what we're going to be doing.

Community FFB Site

Hope you'll come join us. It's a great group of people. Most of us have been playing together for years now.

Still Looking For Writers!

That's right, we're still looking for volunteers to write for our website, this newsletter and The West Coast Dog House especially. We need people who really would like to maybe ruffle some feathers over on the Dog House so that we can get it going. It's still in it's infancy and would like to have it active this upcoming season so if you like to talk just to hear yourself talk you might be just the right person for the job!

If interested please email us with a short sampling of your writing at we're waiting to hear from you!